Across 2022 Canberra Region Presbytery engaged in mission planning from the grass roots. The meeting of Presbytery on 25 March 2023 adopted the final mission plan. Here is a link to the plan: CLICK HERE to download our mission plan (2023-2026)

What is our calling?

As a people journeying together we affirm our calling under God to:

        • preach Christ the crucified and risen one and confess him as Lord
        • bear witness to the unity of faith and life in Christ, rising above cultural, economic, national and racial boundaries
        • engage in fearless prophetic ministry in relation to social evils which deny God’s active will for justice and peace
        • act with God alongside the oppressed, the hurt and the poor
        • accept responsibility for the wise use and conservation of the finite resources of this earth for the benefit of all
        • recognise, treasure and use the gifts of the Spirit given to all God’s people for ministering
        • live a creative, adventurous life of faith, characterised by openness, flexibility, hope and joy.